Prof Harold Thimbleby …
Funded projects @ Swansea
I am developing a new web site for 2024! This old site is just to say something to keep people happy while I work on the new one. Meanwhile, please have a look at our new booklet on patient safety and digital health.
See EPSRC grants on the web for all Thimbleby’s EPSRC funded projects. (This list doesn’t include travel grants, Fellowships, etc)
Title | Role | EPSRC reference | fEC value |
Formally-based tools for user interface analysis and design | PI | EP/F020031 | £711,273.39 |
FIT Lab/UCLIC PLATFORM: Healthy interactive systems: Resilient, Usable and Appropriate Systems in Healthcare | PI | EP/G003971 | £431,076.07 |
CHI+MED: Multidisciplinary Computer-Human Interaction research for the design and safe use of interactive medical devices | coI | EP/G059063 | £6,772,571.07 |
Swansea University :: Bringing People Together | PI | EP/I00145X | £965,708.17 |
Point of care nanotechnology for early blood clot detection and characterisation in disease screening, theranostic and self monitoring applications | coI | EP/G061882 | £1,078,563.32 |
The Global Hub in Medical Technologies and NanoHealth at Swansea University | coI | EP/K004549 | £493,092.89 |
Impact acceleration | coI | EP/K504002 | £637,927.00 |
Discipline Hopping into Healthcare | PI | EP/L019272 | £96,681.00 |
The CHERISH-DE Centre — Challenging Human Environments and Research Impact for a Sustainable and Healthy Digital Economy | coI | EP/M022722 | £3,091,610.00 |