Harold Thimbleby
“Device design” only

1.Device design — Books
2.Device design — Publications: refereed
2.1.Journal papers: refereed
2.2.Contributions to edited volumes: refereed
2.3.Conference papers: refereed
2.4.Conference posters: refereed
3.Device design — Invited publications: not refereed
3.1.Forewords and keynotes
3.2.Contributions to edited volumes
3.3.Articles in other journals
4.Device design — Other publications
4.2.Correspondence and other communications
5.Device design — Presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops
5.1.ACM Distinguished Lectures
5.2.Unpublished keynotes
5.3.Invited lectures, webinars and seminars
5.4.Selected videos, and videoed lectures
5.5.Workshops (refereed, published & unpublished)

All subject categories

Google profile

AutostereogramsBooksCalculatorsCybersecurity & virusesEthics & cultureFavouritesFormal Methods in HCIGeneral InterestHIT: Health IT & devicesHCIHuman ErrorLawInternetPost Office Horizon scandalLiterate ProgrammingProgrammingResearch, teaching & lecturingReading & digital librariesReviewsVideosComputer virusesWorld Wide WebWriting, editing & publishingSoftware EngineeringEverything

1. Device design — Books

H. Thimbleby, Paperback edition, Press On — Principles of Interaction Programming, MIT Press (2010). URL

H. Thimbleby, Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2008. Winner, Computer and Information Sciences category, 2007 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Awards for Excellence Competition presented by the Association of American Publishers, Inc., Press On — Principles of Interaction Programming, MIT Press (2007). URL

H. Thimbleby, User Interface Design, ACM Press Frontier Series, Addison-Wesley (1990).

2. Device design — Publications: refereed

2.1. Journal papers: refereed

H. Thimbleby, “Human Factors and missed solutions to Enigma design weaknesses”, Cryptologia, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 177–202 (2016). DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2015.1028680

=H. Thimbleby, =G. Niezen & =P. Eslambolchilar, “Open-source Hardware for Medical Devices”, British Medical Journal Innovations, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 78–83 (2016). DOI: 10.1136/bmjinnov-2015-000080

H. Thimbleby, “Safer User Interfaces: A Case Study in Improving Number Entry”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 711–729 (2015). DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2014.2383396

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =R. Rukšėnas, =P. Oladimeji, =A. Cauchi, =A. Gimblett, =Y. Li & =P. Curzon, “The Benefits of Formalising Design Guidelines: A Case Study on the Predictability of Drug Infusion Pumps”, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 73–93 (2015). PDF DOI: 10.1007/s11334-013-0200-4

H. Thimbleby, P. Cairns & P. Oladimeji, “Unreliable numbers: Error and harm induced by bad design can be reduced by better design”, Journal Royal Society Interface, vol. 12, no. 110, p. 20150685 (2015). DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0685

=H. Thimbleby, =J. C. Wyatt, =P. Rastall, =J. Hoogewerf, =D. Wooldridge & =J. Williams, “What makes a good clinical app? Introducing the RCP Health Informatics Unit Checklist”, Clinical Medicine, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 519–521 (2015). DOI: 10.7861/clinmedicine.15-6-519

H. Thimbleby, *C. Acharya, V. K. C. Manchaiah & A. Lewis, “Hearing Aid Battery Ingestion: Medical Error or Poor Design?”, BAA Magazine, British Academy of Audiology, no. 31, pp. 27–28 (2014). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Improve Safety by Looking for ‘Wheel Nut Indicators’”, Journal of the Institute of Decontamination Sciences: Medical Device Decontamination, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 42–43 (2013). PDF

H. Thimbleby & P. Cairns, “Reducing Number Entry Errors: Solving a Widespread, Serious Problem”, Journal Royal Society Interface, vol. 7, no. 51, pp. 1429–1439 (2010). URL PDF DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2010.0112

H. Thimbleby, “Think! Interactive Systems Need Safety Locks”, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 349–360 (2010). PDF DOI: 10.2498/cit.1001921

H. Thimbleby & P. Cairns, “Affordance and Symmetry in User Interfaces”, Computer Journal, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 650–661 (2008). PDF DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/bxm102

H. Thimbleby, “Ignorance of Interaction Programming is Killing People”, ACM Interactions, pp. 52–57 (September+October, 2008). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/1390085.1390098

H. Thimbleby, *M. Jones & G. Buchanan, “Improving Web Search on Small Screen Devices”, Interacting with Computers, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 479–495 (2003). PDF DOI: 10.1016/S0953-5438(03)00036-5

H. Thimbleby, *G. Marsden, M. Jones & P. Gillary, “Data Structures in the Design of Interfaces”, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 132–140 (2002). PDF DOI: 10.1007/s007790200012

H. Thimbleby, “Permissive User Interfaces”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 333–350 (2001). PDF DOI: 10.1006/ijhc.2000.0442

H. Thimbleby, P. Cairns & M. Jones, “Usability Analysis with Markov Models”, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 99–132 (2001). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/376929.376941

H. Thimbleby, “Calculators are Needlessly Bad”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 1031–1069 (2000). URL PDF DOI: 10.1006/ijhc.1999.0341

H. Thimbleby, “Specification-led Design for Interface Simulation, Collecting Use-data, Interactive Help, Writing Manuals, Analysis, Comparing Alternative Designs, etc”, Personal Technologies, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 241–254 (1999). URL PDF DOI: 10.1007/BF01885563

H. Thimbleby & *Y. L. Theng, “Addressing Design and Usability Issues in Hypertext and on the Web by re-examining the “Lost in Hyperspace” Problem”, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 839–855 (1998). URL DOI: 10.3217/jucs-004-11-0839

H. Thimbleby, “Design Aloud: A Designer-Centred Design (DCD) Method”, HCI Letters, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 45–50 (1998). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “A True Calculator”, Engineering Science and Education Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 128–136 (1997). URL PDF DOI: 10.1049/esej:19970310

H. Thimbleby, “Calculators True and False”, Engineering Science and Education Journal, vol. 6, no. 5, p. 214 (1997). URL DOI: 10.1049/esej:19970509

H. Thimbleby, “Design for a Fax”, Personal Technologies, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 101–117 (1997). PDF DOI: 10.1007/BF02199215

H. Thimbleby & P. B. Ladkin, “From Logic to Manuals”, Software Engineering Journal, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 347–354 (1997). PDF DOI: 10.1049/sej.1996.0045

H. Thimbleby & P. B. Ladkin, “From Logic to Manuals Again”, IEE Software Engineering, vol. 144, no. 3, pp. 185–192 (1997). PDF DOI: 10.1049/ip-sen:19971104

H. Thimbleby, “Gentler: A Tool for Systematic Web Authoring”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 139–168 (1997). DOI: 10.1006/ijhc.1997.0131

H. Thimbleby & M. A. Addison, “Intelligent Adaptive Assistance and Its Automatic Generation”, Interacting with Computers, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 51–68 (1996). PDF DOI: 10.1016/0953-5438(95)01019-X

H. Thimbleby, “A New Calculator and Why it is Necessary”, Computer Journal, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 418–433 (1995). URL PDF DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/38.6.418

H. Thimbleby, “Designing Interfaces for Problem Solving, with Application to Hypertext and Creative Writing”, AI & Society, vol. 8, pp. 29–44 (1994). PDF DOI: 10.1007/BF02065176

H. Thimbleby, “Formulating Usability”, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 59–64 (1994). PDF DOI: 10.1145/198125.198145

H. Thimbleby, “View Binding and User Enhanceable Systems”, The Visual Computer: An International Journal of Computer Graphics, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 337–349 (1994). PDF DOI: 10.1007/BF01900828

H. Thimbleby & W. Thimbleby, “Solutioneering in User Interface Design”, Behaviour and Information Technology, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 190–193 (1993). PDF DOI: 10.1080/01449299308924379

H. Thimbleby, “The Undomesticated Video Recorder”, Australian Videography (April 1992). PDF

H. Thimbleby, Ergonomics Society Annual Lecture, “Can Humans Think? The Ergonomics Society Annual Lecture”, Ergonomics, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 1269–1287 (1991). PDF DOI: 10.1080/00140139108964867

H. Thimbleby, “You’re Right About the Cure: Don’t Do That”, Interacting with Computers, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 8–25 (1990). DOI: 10.1016/0953-5438(90)90011-6

H. Thimbleby, “Delaying Commitment”, IEEE Software, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 78–86 (1988). PDF DOI: 10.1109/52.2027

H. Thimbleby, “A Menu Selection Algorithm”, Behaviour and Information Technology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 89–94 (1987). DOI: 10.1080/01449298708901819

H. Thimbleby & C. Runciman, “Equal Opportunity Interactive Systems”, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 439–451 (1986). PDF DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7373(86)80070-0

H. Thimbleby, “User Interface Design and Formal Methods”, Computer Bulletin, Series III, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 13–15 & 18 (September, 1986). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Failure in the Technical User Interface Design Process”, Computers and Graphics, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 187–193 (1985).

H. Thimbleby, “Designing Word Processors: Principle and Prejudice”, Information Design Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 239–244 (1983). DOI: 10.1075/idj.3.3.08thi

H. Thimbleby, “Guidelines for ‘Manipulative’ Editing”, Behaviour and Information Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 127–161 (1983). DOI: 10.1080/01449298308914472

H. Thimbleby, “A Text Editing Interface: Definition and Use”, Computer Languages, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 25–40 (1982).

H. Thimbleby, “Character Level Ambiguity: Consequences for User Interface Design”, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, vol. 16, pp. 211–225 (1982).

H. Thimbleby, “A Word Boundary Algorithm for Text Processing”, Computer Journal, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 249–255 (1981). PDF DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/24.3.249

H. Thimbleby, “Dialogue Determination”, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 295–304 (1980). DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7373(80)80044-7

H. Thimbleby, “A Note on Menu Selection”, Computer Bulletin, Series 2, no. 18, p. 20, 21 & 23 (1978).

2.2. Contributions to edited volumes: refereed

H. Thimbleby & P. Cairns, “From Premature Semantics to Mature Interaction Programming”, Computational Interaction, A. Oulasvirta, P. O. Kristensson, X. Bi & A. Howes (editors), pp. 212–246, Oxford University Press (2018).

H. Thimbleby, Y. Li, T. Owen, N. Sun & P. P. Rau, “A Design to Empower Patients in Long Term Wellbeing Monitoring and Chronic Disease Management in mHealth”, Context Sensitive Health Informatics: Human and Sociotechnical Approaches, M. Beuscart-Zéphir, M. Jaspers, C. Kuziemsky, C. Nøhr & J. Aarts (editors), Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 194, pp. 82–87, IOS Press (2013). DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-293-6-82

H. Thimbleby, “Treat People Like Computers? Designing Usable Systems for Special People”, Extraordinary People and Human-Computer Interaction, A. Edwards (editor), pp. 283–295, Cambridge University Press (1995). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Usability, Communication and Security and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)”, Personal Information Management, P. J. Thomas (editor), pp. 31–43, Stanley Thornes (1995).

H. Thimbleby, “Computer Literacy and Usability Standards?”, User Needs in Information Technology Standards, C. D. Evans, B. L. Meek & R. S. Walker (editors), pp. 223–230, Butterworth-Heinemann (1993). PDF

H. Thimbleby & I. H. Witten, “User Modelling as Machine Identification: New Design Methods for HCI”, Advances in Human Computer Interaction, D. Hix & H. R. Hartson (editors), vol. IV, pp. 58–86, Ablex (1993). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Heuristics for Cognitive Tools”, Proceedings NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Mindtools and Cognitive Modelling, Cognitive Tools for Learning, P. A. M. Kommers, D. H. Jonassen & J. T. Mayes (editors), NATO ASI Series F, pp. 161–168, Springer Verlag (1992). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-77222-1_12

H. Thimbleby, S. Jones & A. J. G. Cockburn, “HyperCard: An Object Oriented Disappointment”, Building Interactive Systems: Architectures and Tools, P. D. Gray & R. Took (editors), pp. 35–55, Springer Verlag (1992). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-3548-7_3

H. Thimbleby, “User Interface Design”, Software Engineer’s Reference Handbook, J. A. McDermid (editor), pp. 57/1–57/14, Butterworth-Heinemann (1991). PDF

2.3. Conference papers: refereed

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =Y. Zhang, =P. Jones & =P. Curzon, “A Generic User Interface Architecture for Analyzing Use Hazards in Infusion Pump Software”, 5th Workshop on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), vol. 36, pp. 1–14, Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz–Zentrum für Informatik (2014). URL DOI: 10.4230/OASIcs.MCPS.2014.1

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =Y. Zhang, =P. Oladimeji, =E. D’Urso, =P. Jones, =P. Curzon & =C. Bernardeschi, “Combining PVSio with Stateflow”, Proceedings of the NASA Formal Methods 6th International Symposium, =J. M. Badger & =K. Y. Rozier (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8430, pp. 209–214, Springer Verlag, Houston, USA (2014). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06200-6

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =Y. Zhang, =P. Jones & =P. Curzon, “Formal Verification of Medical Device User Interfaces using PVS”, Proceedings 17th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering — FASE, =S. Gnesi & =A. Rensink (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8411, pp. 200–214, Springer-Verlag, Grenoble, France (2014). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54804-8_14

H. Thimbleby, *P. Oladimeji & A. L. Cox, “A Performance Review of Number Entry Interfaces”, Proceedings of IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 2013, Designing for Diversity, P. Kotzé, G. Marsden, G. Lindgaard, J. Wesson & M. Winckler (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8117, pp. 365–382, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2013). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40483-2_26

=H. Thimbleby & =A. Gimblett, “Applying Theorem Discovery to Automatically Find and Check Usability Heuristics”, Proceedings ACM Engineering Interactive Computer Systems — EICS 2013, pp. 101–106, ACM, London (2013). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/2480296.2480320

H. Thimbleby, *P. Masci, A. Ayoub, P. Curzon, I. Lee & O. Sokolsky, “Model-based Development of the Generic PCA Infusion Pump User Interface Prototype in PVS”, Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8153, pp. 228–240, Toulouse, France (2013). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40793-2_21

H. Thimbleby, Best Paper Award, “Reasons to Question Seven Segment Displays”, Proceedings ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction — CHI 2013, pp. 1431–1440, ACM, Paris, France (2013). Video PDF DOI: 10.1145/2470654.2466190

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =A. Ayoub, =P. Curzon, =M. D. Harrison & =I. Lee, “Verification of Interactive Software for Medical Devices: PCA Infusion Pumps and FDA Regulation as an Example”, EICS2013, 5th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, pp. 81–90, ACM, London (2013). PDF DOI: 10.1145/2494603.2480302

H. Thimbleby, P. Oladimeji, *P. Masci & P. Curzon, “PVSio-web: A Tool for Rapid Prototyping Device User Interfaces in PVS”, Electronic Communications of the EASST, J. Bowen & S. Reeves (editors), vol. X, pp. 1/8–8/8 (2013). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, A. Cauchi, A. Gimblett, P. Curzon & P. Masci, “Safer “5-key” Number Entry User Interfaces using Differential Formal Analysis”, Proceedings BCS Conference on HCI, vol. XXVI, pp. 29–38, Oxford University Press, Birmingham, UK (2012). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, A. Cauchi & A. Gimblett, “Simulation to Evaluate Alternative Approaches to Blocking Use Errors”, Proceedings Design of Medical Devices Conference, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 017502-1 (2012). PDF DOI: 10.1115/1.4026680

H. Thimbleby, *T. Owen & G. Buchanan, “Understanding User Requirements in Take-Home Diabetes Management”, Proceedings BCS Conference on HCI, vol. XXVI, pp. 268–273, Oxford University Press, Birmingham, UK (2012). PDF

H. Thimbleby & A. Gimblett, “Dependable Keyed Data Entry for Interactive Systems”, FMIS 2011, 4th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems, Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 45, pp. 1/16–16/16, Limerick, Ireland (2011). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/1996461.1996497

H. Thimbleby, *Y. Li, P. Oladimeji, C. M. Aceves, A. Cauchi, D. Furniss, C. Vincent & A. Blandford, “Design of Interactive Medical Devices: Feedback and Its Improvement”, Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine & Education — ITME 2011, pp. 204–208, China (2011). PDF DOI: 10.1109/ITiME.2011.6132022

H. Thimbleby, “Don’t Use 7-segment Displays”, Proceedings BCS Conference on HCI, pp. 3C:1–6, Oxford University Press, Newcastle, England (2011). PDF

H. Thimbleby, *P. Oladimeji & A. Cox, “Number Entry Interfaces and Their Effects on Error Detection”, Proceedings IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 2011, P. Campos, N. Graham, J. Jorge, N. Nunes, P. Palanque & M. Winckler (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6949, pp. 178–185, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2011). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23768-3_15

H. Thimbleby, A. Gimblett & A. Cauchi, “Buffer Automata: A UI Architecture Prioritising HCI Concerns for Interactive Devices”, Proceedings ACM Engineering Interactive Computer Systems — EICS 2011, pp. 73–78, ACM, Pisa, Italy (2011). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1996461.1996497

=H. Thimbleby, =A. Blandford, =G. Buchanan, =D. Furniss & =P. Curzon, “Few are Looking: Invisible Problems with Interactive Medical Devices”, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) — CHI 2010, =G. R. Hayes & =D. S. Tan (editors), pp. 9-12, ACM, Atlanta (2010).

H. Thimbleby, *C. Acharya & P. Oladimeji, “Human Computer Interaction and Medical Devices”, Proceedings BCS Conference on HCI, BCS, Dundee (2010).

H. Thimbleby & A. Gimblett, Best Paper Award, “User Interface Model Discovery: Towards a Generic Approach”, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems — EICS 2010, G. Doherty, J. Nichols & M. D. Harrison (editors), pp. 145–154, ACM, Berlin (2010). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1822018.1822041

H. Thimbleby, *J. Pearson & G. Buchanan, “HCI Design Principles for eReaders”, Proceedings BooksOnline’10: Proceedings of the third workshop on research advances in large digital book repositories and complementary media, pp. 15–24, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2010). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1871854.1871860

H. Thimbleby, “Interaction Programming: Next Steps”, Proceedings ACM CHI, pp. 3811–3816, ACM (2009). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1520340.1520576

H. Thimbleby & P. Oladimeji, “Social Network Analysis and Interactive Device Design”, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems — EICS’09, G. Calvary, T. C. N. Graham & P. Gray (editors), pp. 91–100, ACM, Pittsburgh (2009). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1570433.1570453

H. Thimbleby & J. Gow, “Applying Graph Theory to Interaction Design”, Proceedings Engineering Interactive Computer Systems — EICS2007/DSVIS 2007, J. Gulliksen (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4940, pp. 501–518, Springer Verlag, Salamanca, Spain (2008). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92698-6_30

H. Thimbleby & W. Thimbleby, “Mathematical Mathematical User Interfaces”, Proceedings Engineering Interactive Computer Systems — EICS2007/DSVIS 2007, J. Gulliksen (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4940, pp. 519–535, Springer Verlag, Salamanca, Spain (2008). URL PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92698-6_31

H. Thimbleby, “Interaction Walkthrough: Evaluation of Safety Critical Interactive Systems”, Proceedings The XIII International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems — DSVIS 2006, G. Doherty & A. Blandford (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4323, pp. 52–66, Springer Verlag, Dublin, Ireland (2007). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69554-7_5

H. Thimbleby & M. D. Harrison, “Names and References in User Interfaces”, Proceedings British Computer Society HCI 2007 Conference, vol. 2, pp. 107–110, Lancaster, England (2007). PDF

=H. Thimbleby, =J. Gow & =P. Cairns, “Automatic Critiques of Interface Modes”, Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems — DSVIS 2005, =S. W. Gilroy & =M. D. Harrison (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3941, pp. 201–212, Springer Verlag, Newcastle, England (2006). PDF DOI: 10.1007/11752707_17

H. Thimbleby & *W. Thimbleby, “A Novel Gesture-Based Calculator and Its Design Principles”, Proceedings 19th. British Computer Society HCI Conference, L. MacKinnon, O. Bertelsen & N. Bryan-Kinns (editors), vol. 2, pp. 27–32, British Computer Society, Edinburgh, Scotland (2005). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Computer Algebra in User Interface Design Analysis”, Proceedings British Computer Society HCI Conference, A. Dearden & L. Watts (editors), vol. 2, pp. 121–124, Research Press International (2004). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, P. Cairns & *S. Wali, “Evaluating a Novel Calculator Interface”, Proceedings British Computer Society HCI Conference, A. Dearden & L. Watts (editors), vol. 2, pp. 9–12, Research Press International (2004). PDF

H. Thimbleby, J. Gow & P. Cairns, “Misleading Behaviour in Interactive Systems”, Proceedings British Computer Society HCI Conference, A. Dearden & L. Watts (editors), vol. 2, pp. 33–36, Research Press International (2004). PDF

H. Thimbleby & J. Gow, “MAUI: An Interface Design Tool Based on Matrix Algebra”, Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV — CADUI’2004, R. J. K. Jacob, Q. Limbourg & J. Vanderdonckt (editors), pp. 81–94, Kluwer Aacedmic Publishers, Funchal, Maderia (2004). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, *A. Blandford & N. Bryan-Kinns, “Understanding Interaction Traps”, Proceedings of BCS HCI2–3: Designing for Society, vol. 2, pp. 57–60 (2003). PDF

H. Thimbleby, *M. Jones & G. Buchanan, “Sorting out Searching on Small Screen Devices”, Proceedings 4th. International Symposium, Mobile Human-Computer Interaction HCI 2002, F. Paterno (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2411, pp. 81–94, Springer Verlag (2002). PDF DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45756-9_8

=H. Thimbleby & =P. Thomas, “The New Usability: The Challenge of Designing for Pervasive Computing”, Proceedings of the ICCC2002, 15th. International Conference on Computer Communication, =S. V. Raghavan & =S. P. Mudur (editors), pp. 382–388 (2002). PDF

H. Thimbleby, A. Blandford, P. Cairns, P. Curzon & M. Jones, “User Interface Design as Systems Design”, Proceedings People and Computers — Memorable Yet Invisible, X. Faulkner, J. Finlay & F. Détienne (editors), vol. XVI, pp. 281–301, Springer Verlag, London (2002). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, G. Buchanan, S. Farrant, *M. Jones, G. Marsden & M. Pazzani, “Improving Mobile Internet Usability”, Proceedings 10th. World Wide Web Conference — WWW10, pp. 673–680, Hong Kong (2001). PDF DOI: 10.1145/371920.372181

H. Thimbleby, Y. L. Theng & N. M. Nasir, “A Usability Tool for Web Evaluation Applied to Digital Library Design”, World Wide Web Conference — WWW9 Poster Proceedings, pp. 90–91, Amsterdam (May 15-19, 2000). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Analysis and Simulation of User Interfaces”, Human Computer Interaction 2000, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, S. McDonald, Y. Waern & G. Cockton (editors), vol. XIV, pp. 221–237, Newcastle, England (2000). PDF

H. Thimbleby, M. Jones & G. Marsden, “Empowering Users with Usability Certificates”, Human Computer Interaction 2000, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, S. Turner & P. Turner (editors), vol. II, pp. 37–38, Newcastle, England (2000). PDF

H. Thimbleby, *G. Marsden, P. Gillary & M. Jones, “Successful User Interface Design from Efficient Computer Algorithms”, Proceedings ACM CHI (Extended Abstracts), pp. 181–182 (2000). PDF

H. Thimbleby, *Y. L. Theng & N. Mohd-Nasir, “A Usability Tool for Digital Libraries”, Proceedings 9th. International World Wide Web Conference — WWW9 Poster Proceedings, pp. 90–91, Toronto (1999).

H. Thimbleby, *Y. L. Theng, E. Duncker, N. M. Nasir & G. Buchanan, “Design Guidelines and User-Centred Digital Libraries”, Proceedings Third European Conference on Digital Libraries ECDL’99: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, S. Abiteboul & A. Vercoustre (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1696, pp. 167–183, Springer Verlag (1999). PDF

H. Thimbleby, G. Buchanan, G. Marsden & Y. L. Theng, “How do We Build Web Sites Fit for Purpose?”, Proceedings IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 1999, S. Brewster, A. Cawsey & G. Cockton (editors), vol. 2, pp. 11–12 (1999).

H. Thimbleby, G. Marsden, P. Gillary & M. Jones, “Using Computing Science Principles in Interface Design”, Proceedings IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 1999, S. Brewster, A. Cawsey & G. Cockton (editors), vol. 2, pp. 47–48 (1999).

H. Thimbleby, “Specification-led Design”, Proceedings Living Life to the Full with Personal Technologies, no. IEE Seminar 98/268, pp. 4/1–4/9 (1998). DOI: 10.1049/ic:19980384

H. Thimbleby, *Y. L. Theng & G. Marsden, “Towards Continuous Usability Evaluation of Web Documents”, Proceedings BCS HCI’98, Conference Companion, J. May, J. Siddiqi & J. Wilkinson (editors), pp. 40–41 (1998).

H. Thimbleby, *C. Rigny & Y. L. Theng, “Cognitive User Models as Design Aids”, Adjunct Proceedings BCS HCI’96, H. Thimbleby & A. Blandford (editors), pp. 139–144 (1996).

H. Thimbleby, “Creating User Manuals for Use in Collaborative Design”, Proceedings ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction — CHI’96, M. Tauber (editor), pp. 279–280, Vancouver, Canada (1996). PDF

H. Thimbleby & P. B. Ladkin, “A Proper Explanation When You Need One”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference HCI’95, People and Computers, M. A. R. Kirby, A. J. Dix & J. E. Finlay (editors), vol. X, pp. 107–118, Cambridge University Press, Huddersfield (1995). PDF

H. Thimbleby, Y. L. Theng & M. Jones, “Designer Tools for Hypertext Authoring”, Proceedings The Authoring and Application of Hypermedia-based User-Interfaces, IEE Colloquium, no. IEE Digest 1995/202, pp. 4/1–4/4 (1995). DOI: 10.1049/ic:19951257

H. Thimbleby & M. A. Addison, “HyperDoc: An Interactive System Development Tool”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference HCI’95, People and Computers, M. A. R. Kirby, A. J. Dix & J. E. Finlay (editors), vol. X, pp. 95–106, Cambridge University Press, Huddersfield (1995).

H. Thimbleby & M. A. Addison, “Hypermedia Manuals for Interactive Systems”, Proceedings The Authoring and Application of Hypermedia-based User-Interfaces, IEE Colloquium, no. IEE Digest 1995/202, pp. 5/1–5/4 (1995). DOI: 10.1049/ic:19951258

H. Thimbleby & M. A. Addison, “Manuals as Structured Programs”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference HCI’94, People and Computers, G. Cockton, S. W. Draper & G. R. S. Weir (editors), vol. IX, pp. 67–79, Cambridge University Press (1994). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Combining Systems and Manuals”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI’93, J. L. Alty, D. Diaper & S. Guest (editors), vol. VIII, pp. 479–488, Cambridge University Press, Loughborough (1993). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Hypertext as a Combined System and Manual”, Proceedings Workshop on Issues in Computer Support for Documentation and Manuals, IEE Colloquium, no. IEE Digest 1993/169, pp. 8/1–8/5 (1993).

H. Thimbleby & *A. J. G. Cockburn, “Automatic Conversational Context: Avoiding Dependency on User Effort in Groupware”, Proceedings of OZCHI’92, Interface Technology: Advancing Human-Computer Communication, CHISIG Annual Conference, M. J. Rees & R. Iannella (editors), pp. 142–149, Australia (1992). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Improving Usability with Design Tools”, Proceedings SERC/IMechE Annual Expert Meeting, Information Technology and Product Design, vol. 1, no. Section 3, pp. 59–63, St. Albans, UK (1992).

H. Thimbleby, “Intelligent Consumer Products”, Proceedings Intelligent Consumer Products, IEE/CSD Joint Colloquium, no. IEE Digest 1992/013, pp. 2/1–2/3 (1992).

H. Thimbleby, “On Formal Methods in HCI”, Proceedings Workshop on Formal Methods in HCI, IEE Colloquium, vol. III, no. IEE Digest 1989/151, pp. 1/–1/ (1989).

H. Thimbleby & R. Bornat, “The Life and Times of Ded, Display Editor”, Cognitive Ergonomics and Human Computer Interaction, J. B. Long & A. Whitefield (editors), pp. 225–255, Cambridge University Press (1989). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Modes, WYSIWYG and The von Neumann Bottleneck”, Proceedings Workshop on Formal Methods and Human-Computer Interaction, vol. II, no. IEE Digest 1988/82 (1988).

H. Thimbleby, “Formal Methods and Human-Computer Interaction”, Proceedings Workshop on Formal Methods and Human-Computer Interaction, IEE Colloquium, no. IEE Digest No. 1987/09 (1987).

H. Thimbleby, A. J. Dix, M. D. Harrison & C. Runciman, “Interaction Models and The Principled Design of Interactive Systems”, Proceedings European Software Engineering Conference, H. Nichols & D. S. Simpson (editors), pp. 127–135, Springer Verlag (1987). DOI: 10.1007/BFb0022105

H. Thimbleby, “The Design of Two Innovative User Interfaces”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human Computer Interaction, HCI’86, M. D. Harrison & A. F. Monk (editors), pp. 336–351, Cambridge University Press, York (1986).

H. Thimbleby & G. S. Macfarlane, “The TIN: An Approach to Powerful and Cheap User Interfaces”, Proceedings 8th. International Conference on Computer Communication, ICCC’86, P. J. Kuehn (editor), pp. 238–241, North-Holland, Munich (1986).

H. Thimbleby & M. D. Harrison, “Formalising Guidelines for the Design of Interactive Systems”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human Computer Interaction, HCI’85, S. Cook & P. Johnson (editors), pp. 161–171, Cambridge University Press, Norwich (1985).

H. Thimbleby, “Generative User-Engineering Principles for User Interface Design”, Proceedings First IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 1984, B. Shackel (editor), pp. 661–666, North-Holland, London (1985). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Generative User Engineering Principles”, 9th. Cranfield Conference on Mechanised Information Transfer (1984).

H. Thimbleby, “Generative User-Engineering Principles for User Interface Design”, Proceedings First IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 1984, B. Shackel (editor), vol. 2, pp. 102–107, London (1984). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Basic User Engineering Principles for Display Editors”, Proceedings 6th. International Conference on Computer Communication, ICCC’82, M. B. Williams (editor), pp. 537–542, North Holland, London (1982).

H. Thimbleby, “Interactive Systems Design: A Personal View”, Proceedings IEE Conference Man/Machine Systems, no. IEE Publication 212, pp. 118–122, Manchester (1982).

H. Thimbleby, “Dialogue Determination”, 7th. Cranfield Conference on Mechanised Information Transfer (1979).

H. Thimbleby, “Interactive Technology: The Role of Passivity”, Proceedings 23rd. Annual Human Factors Conference, C. K. Bensel (editor), pp. 80–84, Boston, USA (1979).

2.4. Conference posters: refereed

H. Thimbleby, *J. Webster & P. Eslambolchilar, “From Rotary Telephones to Universal Number Entry Systems: Can the Past Re-shape the Future?”, 14th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp’2012 (2012).

H. Thimbleby, A. Cauchi, A. Gimblett, P. Cairns & A. Cox, “Goal-based Design Improves Interaction Dependability”, Digital Engagement 2011, Newcastle (2011).

H. Thimbleby & *G. Marsden, “Designing the Interface Programming Language for the End User”, BCS Conference on People and Computers, HCI’94 (1994).

3. Device design — Invited publications: not refereed

3.1. Forewords and keynotes

H. Thimbleby, “Cybersecurity problems in a typical hospital (and probably all of them)”, Developing Safe Systems, Proceedings of the 25th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Keynote, M. Parsons & T. Kelly (editors), pp. 415–439, Centre for Software Reliability, Safety-Critical Systems Club, Bristol, UK (2017).

H. Thimbleby, “Human Error in Safety-Critical Programming”, Developing Safe Systems, Proceedings of the 24th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Keynote, M. Parsons & T. Anderson (editors), pp. 183–202, Center for Software Reliability, Safety-Critical Systems Club, Brighton, UK (2016).

H. Thimbleby, “Safety versus Security in Healthcare IT”, Addressing Systems Safety Challenges, Proceedings of the 22nd Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Keynote, C. Dale & T. Anderson (editors), pp. 133–146, Safety-Critical Systems Club, Brighton, UK (2014). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Improving Safety in Medical Devices and Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2013 (ICHI 2013), Keynote, pp. 1–13, Philadelphia, USA (2013). PDF DOI: 10.1109/ICHI.2013.91

H. Thimbleby, “Unsafe Healthcare Devices, and How to Improve Them”, Communicating medical errors (COME), Ascona, Switzerland (2013). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Interactive Numbers — A Grand Challenge”, Proceedings of IHCI 2011: IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2011, Keynote, K. Blashki (editor), pp. xxviii–xxxv, International Association for the Development of the Information Society, Rome, Italy (2011). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Interactive Systems Need Safety Locks”, Proceedings of the IEEE ITI 2010 32nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Keynote, V. Luzar-Stiffler, I. Jarec & Z. Bekic (editors), pp. 29–36, Cavtat, Croatia (2010). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Avoiding Latent Design Conditions Using UI Discovery Tools”, Proceedings 9th Naturalistic Decision Making, NDM9, Keynote, B. L. W. Wong & N. A. Stanton (editors), pp. 20–27, London (2009). PDF DOI: 10.1080/10447310903498692

H. Thimbleby, “Understanding User Centered Design (UCD) for People with Special Needs”, 11th International Conference, ICCHP 2008, Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Keynote, K. Miesenberger, J. Klaus, W. Zagler & A. Karshmer (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5105, pp. 1–17, Springer Verlag, Linz, Austria (2008). URL PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-70540-6

H. Thimbleby, “User-centered Methods are Insufficient for Safety Critical Systems”, USAB’07 — Usability & HCI for Medicine and Health Care, Keynote, A. Holzinger (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4799, pp. 1–20, Springer Verlag, Graz, Austria (2007). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Reflections on Symmetry”, Proceedings IEEE/ACM Advanced Visual Interfaces — AVI2002, Keynote, pp. 28–33, Venice, Italy (2002). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1556262.1556265

H. Thimbleby, “Symmetry for Successful Interactive Systems”, Proceedings ACM CHI New Zealand, OZCHI, Keynote, S. Jones & M. Masoodian (editors), pp. 1–9, Waikato, New Zealand (2002). PDF DOI: 10.1145/2181216.2181217

H. Thimbleby, “Affordance and Symmetry”, Proceedings Interactive Systems: Design, Specification, and Verification, 8th. International Workshop — DSVIS 2001, Keynote, C. Johnson (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2220, pp. 199–217, Springer Verlag, Glasgow (2001). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Symmetry as a Connection between Affordance and State Space”, Proceedings Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems — DSVIS 2001, Keynote, C. Johnson (editor), GIST Technical Report, G2001-1, pp. 10–19, Glasgow (2001).

H. Thimbleby, “The Computer Science of Everyday Things”, Proceedings of the 2nd. IEEE Australasian User Interface Conference — AUIC’01, Australian Computer Science Communications, Keynote, P. Calder & M. Rees (editors), vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 3–12, Australia (2001). PDF DOI: 10.1109/AUIC.2001.906270

H. Thimbleby, “Design Probes for Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing”, Proceedings Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, First International Symposium — HUC’99, Keynote, H. Gellersen (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1707, pp. 1–19, Springer Verlag, Karlsruhe, Germany (1999). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Visualising the Potential of Interactive Systems”, Proceedings of the 10th. IEEE International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP’99), Keynote, pp. 670–677, Trento, Italy (1999). PDF DOI: 10.1109/ICIAP.1999.797672

H. Thimbleby, “The Detection and Elimination of Spurious Complexity”, Proceedings of the Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers, Keynote, R. C. Backhouse & J. C. M. Baeten (editors), pp. 15–22, Eindhoven, Holland (1998).

H. Thimbleby, “Enhanceable User Interfaces”, Proceedings InfoTech’93, Den Norske Dataforening, Norwegian Computer Society Conference, Keynote, pp. 1–5, Oslo, Norway (1993).

H. Thimbleby, “Interactive Consumer User Interfaces”, Proceedings InfoTech’93, Den Norske Dataforening, Norwegian Computer Society Conference, Keynote, pp. 1–9, Oslo, Norway (1993).

H. Thimbleby, “Can Humans Think?”, Ergonomics Society Annual Lecture, Keynote, Southampton (April 1991).

H. Thimbleby, “Ease of Use — The Ultimate Deception”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human Computer Interaction, HCI’86, Keynote, M. D. Harrison & A. F. Monk (editors), pp. 78–94, Cambridge University Press, York (1986).

H. Thimbleby, ““What You See is What You Have Got” — A User-Engineering Principle for Manipulative Display?”, First German ACM Conference on Software Ergonomics, Keynote, H. Balzert (editor), Proceedings ACM German Chapter, vol. 14, pp. 70–84, Nuremburg, Germany (1983). PDF

3.2. Contributions to edited volumes

H. Thimbleby, “The Frustrations of a Pushbutton World”, 1993 Encyclopėdia Britannica Yearbook of Science and the Future, pp. 202–219, Encyclopėdia Britannica Inc. (1992).

H. Thimbleby, “User Interface Design: Generative User Engineering Principles”, Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction, A. F. Monk (editor), pp. 165–180, Academic Press (1984).

3.3. Articles in other journals

H. Thimbleby, “Interaction design by algebra!?”, ACM Interactions, ACM (in press).

H. Thimbleby, “Designing IT to Reduce Drug Dose Error”, Med-Tech Innovation, no. 11, pp. 30–33 (2012). URL

H. Thimbleby, “Press On”, British Computer Society ITNOW, p. 17, BCS (May, 2008).

H. Thimbleby, “The Computer Science of Everyday Things”, Multimedia Information and Technology, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 328–330 (2002).

H. Thimbleby, “The Computer Science of Everyday Things”, Mathematics Today, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 107–108 (2002).

H. Thimbleby, “Why are the numbers on a calculator/computer arranged differently from those on a telephone?”, Focus, p. 60 (January 1996).

H. Thimbleby, “Can Anyone Work the Video?”, New Scientist, vol. 129, no. 1757, pp. 48–51 (1991). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “The Undomesticated Video Recorder”, Image Technology, Journal of the British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 214–216 (1991). PDF

4. Device design — Other publications

4.1. Patents

H. Thimbleby & W. Thimbleby, “Interactive Display”, A Novel User Interface, UK Patent No. 0512865.7 (subsequently patented in Australia, Europe, New Zealand and the USA) (2005).

4.2. Correspondence and other communications

H. Thimbleby, “Is it worth banning TV standby buttons?”, Letter, The Times, p. 18 (17 July, 2006).

H. Thimbleby, “Time to Fight for Easier Technology”, Letter, The Times, p. 23 (31 January, 1998).

H. Thimbleby, “Equal Opportunity and the Design of Interactive Systems”, Stanford University, California (1986).

5. Device design — Presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops

5.1. ACM Distinguished Lectures

H. Thimbleby, “Your invitation to fix IT in healthcare”, International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2016, Keynote, ACM Distinguished Lecture, Agadir, Morocco (2016).

5.2. Unpublished keynotes

H. Thimbleby, “How HCI can see & solve problems of healthcare”, 15th Irish HCI Symposium, Belfast, Northern Ireland (2022).

H. Thimbleby, “Human factors failings in the German Enigma design”, SFI (Studencki Festival Informatatyczny) Academic IT Festival, Keynote, Kraków, Poland (2017). URL

H. Thimbleby, “Cyber Security Problems in One Hospital (and probably all of them)”, CHERISH-DE Cybersecurity Conference, Keynote, Swansea (2016).

H. Thimbleby, “Social network analysis and applications for designing better systems and doing better research”, International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2016, Keynote, Agadir, Morocco (2016).

5.3. Invited lectures, webinars and seminars

H. Thimbleby, “Modern lessons from the German Enigma”, repeated 3 times, University of Michigan, USA (2017).

H. Thimbleby, “Challenging how we think about IT for improving and protecting the nation’s health”, Public Health England, Porton Down (2016).

H. Thimbleby, “Opportunities for research in Health IT”, Toulouse, France (2016).

H. Thimbleby & R. Koppel, “Critical Issues in Electronic Health Record (EHR) Patient Safety”, SafetyLeaders.org webinar (2015).

H. Thimbleby, “Devices are not equally safe: Buy and use them carefully”, National Medical Devices Safety Network, NHS Webex (2015).

H. Thimbleby, “Failure of medical device regulation”, Cambridge University (2015).

H. Thimbleby, “Human Factors and missed solutions to WWII Enigma design weaknesses”, Cambridge University (2015).

H. Thimbleby, “Outside In: Health-Tech Continuum”, Politico TV, Washington DC, USA (2015).

H. Thimbleby, “The best way to improve healthcare is to improve programmers”, Høyteknologisenteret i Bergen, Norway (2015).

H. Thimbleby, “The World War II Enigma and its Human Factors lessons”, University of Bergen, Norway (2015).

H. Thimbleby, “Delaying Commitment”, Imperial College (1989).

H. Thimbleby, “Design of a Display Editor”, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich (1980).

5.4. Selected videos, and videoed lectures

H. Thimbleby, “Trust me, I’m a computer?”, Royal College of Physicians, London (2016). URL

5.5. Workshops (refereed, published & unpublished)

H. Thimbleby, “Being Successful in Research Grants (A European Perspective)”, International Workshop on Advances in Research Grants and HCI & HEC, Keynote, Kochi, Japan (2016).

H. Thimbleby, “Innovation and research”, University of Bergen, Norway (2015).

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