Harold Thimbleby
“Formal Methods in HCI” only

1.Formal Methods in HCI — Publications: refereed
1.1.Journal papers: refereed
1.2.Conference papers: refereed
2.Formal Methods in HCI — Invited publications: not refereed
2.1.Forewords and keynotes
2.2.Contributions to edited volumes
3.Formal Methods in HCI — Presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops
3.1.Unpublished keynotes
3.2.Invited conference presentations
3.3.Invited lectures, webinars and seminars

All subject categories

Google profile

AutostereogramsBooksCalculatorsCybersecurity & virusesDevice designEthics & cultureFavouritesGeneral InterestHIT: Health IT & devicesHCIHuman ErrorLawInternetPost Office Horizon scandalLiterate ProgrammingProgrammingResearch, teaching & lecturingReading & digital librariesReviewsVideosComputer virusesWorld Wide WebWriting, editing & publishingSoftware EngineeringEverything

1. Formal Methods in HCI — Publications: refereed

1.1. Journal papers: refereed

H. Thimbleby & P. Cairns, “Interactive numerals”, Royal Society Open Science, vol. 4, no. 160903 (2017). DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160903

H. Thimbleby, “Safer User Interfaces: A Case Study in Improving Number Entry”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 711–729 (2015). DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2014.2383396

H. Thimbleby, “Action Graphs and User Performance Analysis”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 276–302 (2013). URL PDF DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2012.10.014

H. Thimbleby & P. Cairns, “Affordance and Symmetry in User Interfaces”, Computer Journal, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 650–661 (2008). PDF DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/bxm102

H. Thimbleby, “User Interface Design with Matrix Algebra”, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 181–236 (2004). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/1005361.1005364

H. Thimbleby, P. Cairns & M. Jones, “Usability Analysis with Markov Models”, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 99–132 (2001). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/376929.376941

H. Thimbleby, “Specification-led Design for Interface Simulation, Collecting Use-data, Interactive Help, Writing Manuals, Analysis, Comparing Alternative Designs, etc”, Personal Technologies, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 241–254 (1999). URL PDF DOI: 10.1007/BF01885563

H. Thimbleby & P. B. Ladkin, “From Logic to Manuals”, Software Engineering Journal, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 347–354 (1997). PDF DOI: 10.1049/sej.1996.0045

H. Thimbleby & P. B. Ladkin, “From Logic to Manuals Again”, IEE Software Engineering, vol. 144, no. 3, pp. 185–192 (1997). PDF DOI: 10.1049/ip-sen:19971104

H. Thimbleby, “Formulating Usability”, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 59–64 (1994). PDF DOI: 10.1145/198125.198145

H. Thimbleby, “User Interface Design and Formal Methods”, Computer Bulletin, Series III, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 13–15 & 18 (September, 1986). PDF

1.2. Conference papers: refereed

H. Thimbleby, G. Mauro, A. Domenici & C. Bernardeschi, “Extending a user interface prototyping tool with automatic MISRA C code generation”, Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE), pp. 53–66, Limassol, Cyprus (2016). DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.240.4

H. Thimbleby, P. Masci, P. Oladimeji, Y. Zhang, P. Jones & P. Curzon, “PVSio-web 2.0: Joining PVS to HCI”, Proceedings 27th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2015, D. Kroening & C. S. Păsăreanu (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9206, pp. 470–478, Springer Verlag, San Francisco, California (2015). URL DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21690-4_30

H. Thimbleby, P. Masci, P. Oladimeji, P. Mallozzi & P. Curzon, “PVSio-web: Mathematically based tool support for the design of interactive and interoperable medical systems”, Proceedings 5th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, pp. 42–45, Ghent, Belgium: European Alliance for Innovation, London (2015). DOI: 10.4108/eai.14-10-2015.2261720

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =Y. Zhang, =P. Jones & =P. Curzon, “A Generic User Interface Architecture for Analyzing Use Hazards in Infusion Pump Software”, 5th Workshop on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), vol. 36, pp. 1–14, Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz–Zentrum für Informatik (2014). URL DOI: 10.4230/OASIcs.MCPS.2014.1

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =Y. Zhang, =P. Oladimeji, =E. D’Urso, =P. Jones, =P. Curzon & =C. Bernardeschi, “Combining PVSio with Stateflow”, Proceedings of the NASA Formal Methods 6th International Symposium, =J. M. Badger & =K. Y. Rozier (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8430, pp. 209–214, Springer Verlag, Houston, USA (2014). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06200-6

=H. Thimbleby, =P. Masci, =Y. Zhang, =P. Jones & =P. Curzon, “Formal Verification of Medical Device User Interfaces using PVS”, Proceedings 17th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering — FASE, =S. Gnesi & =A. Rensink (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8411, pp. 200–214, Springer-Verlag, Grenoble, France (2014). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54804-8_14

H. Thimbleby, P. Curzon, P. Masci, P. Oladimeji, R. Rukšėnas & E. D’Urso, “Human-Computer Interaction and the Formal Certification and Assurance of Medical Devices: The CHI+MED Project”, VeriSure: Verification and Assurance, Vienna (2014).

H. Thimbleby, P. Masci, P. Oladimeji & P. Curzon, “Tool demo: Using PVSio-web to demonstrate software issues in medical user interfaces”, 4th International Symposium on Foundations of Healthcare Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES2014), Washington DC, USA (2014).

H. Thimbleby, A. Cauchi, P. Oladimeji & G. Niezen, “Triangulating Empirical and Analytic Techniques for Improving Number Entry User Interfaces”, EICS2014, 6th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, pp. 243–252, ACM, Rome, Italy (2014). URL DOI: 10.1145/2607023.2607025

=H. Thimbleby & =A. Gimblett, “Applying Theorem Discovery to Automatically Find and Check Usability Heuristics”, Proceedings ACM Engineering Interactive Computer Systems — EICS 2013, pp. 101–106, ACM, London (2013). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/2480296.2480320

H. Thimbleby, P. Oladimeji, *P. Masci & P. Curzon, “PVSio-web: A Tool for Rapid Prototyping Device User Interfaces in PVS”, Electronic Communications of the EASST, J. Bowen & S. Reeves (editors), vol. X, pp. 1/8–8/8 (2013). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, A. Cauchi, A. Gimblett, P. Curzon & P. Masci, “Safer “5-key” Number Entry User Interfaces using Differential Formal Analysis”, Proceedings BCS Conference on HCI, vol. XXVI, pp. 29–38, Oxford University Press, Birmingham, UK (2012). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, A. Cauchi & A. Gimblett, “Simulation to Evaluate Alternative Approaches to Blocking Use Errors”, Proceedings Design of Medical Devices Conference, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 017502-1 (2012). PDF DOI: 10.1115/1.4026680

H. Thimbleby & A. Gimblett, “Dependable Keyed Data Entry for Interactive Systems”, FMIS 2011, 4th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems, Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 45, pp. 1/16–16/16, Limerick, Ireland (2011). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/1996461.1996497

H. Thimbleby, A. Gimblett & A. Cauchi, “Buffer Automata: A UI Architecture Prioritising HCI Concerns for Interactive Devices”, Proceedings ACM Engineering Interactive Computer Systems — EICS 2011, pp. 73–78, ACM, Pisa, Italy (2011). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1996461.1996497

H. Thimbleby & A. Gimblett, Best Paper Award, “User Interface Model Discovery: Towards a Generic Approach”, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems — EICS 2010, G. Doherty, J. Nichols & M. D. Harrison (editors), pp. 145–154, ACM, Berlin (2010). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1822018.1822041

H. Thimbleby, “Contributing to Safety and Due Diligence in Safety-critical Interactive Systems Development”, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems — EICS’09, G. Calvary, T. C. N. Graham & P. Gray (editors), pp. 221–230, ACM, Pittsburgh (2009). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1570433.1570474

H. Thimbleby, “Interaction Programming: Next Steps”, Proceedings ACM CHI, pp. 3811–3816, ACM (2009). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1520340.1520576

H. Thimbleby & P. Oladimeji, “Social Network Analysis and Interactive Device Design”, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems — EICS’09, G. Calvary, T. C. N. Graham & P. Gray (editors), pp. 91–100, ACM, Pittsburgh (2009). PDF DOI: 10.1145/1570433.1570453

H. Thimbleby & J. Gow, “Applying Graph Theory to Interaction Design”, Proceedings Engineering Interactive Computer Systems — EICS2007/DSVIS 2007, J. Gulliksen (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4940, pp. 501–518, Springer Verlag, Salamanca, Spain (2008). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92698-6_30

H. Thimbleby, “Interaction Walkthrough: Evaluation of Safety Critical Interactive Systems”, Proceedings The XIII International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems — DSVIS 2006, G. Doherty & A. Blandford (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4323, pp. 52–66, Springer Verlag, Dublin, Ireland (2007). PDF DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69554-7_5

H. Thimbleby & M. D. Harrison, “Names and References in User Interfaces”, Proceedings British Computer Society HCI 2007 Conference, vol. 2, pp. 107–110, Lancaster, England (2007). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Using the Fitts Law with State Transition Systems to Find Optimal Task Timings”, Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems (FMIS2007), P. Curzon & A. Cerone (editors), pp. 151–162, Lancaster, England (2007).

=H. Thimbleby, =J. Gow & =P. Cairns, “Automatic Critiques of Interface Modes”, Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems — DSVIS 2005, =S. W. Gilroy & =M. D. Harrison (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3941, pp. 201–212, Springer Verlag, Newcastle, England (2006). PDF DOI: 10.1007/11752707_17

H. Thimbleby & J. Gow, “Computer Algebra in Interface Design Research”, Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces — CADUI’2004, N. J. Nunes & C. Rich (editors), pp. 366–367, Funchal, Madeira (2004). URL PDF DOI: 10.1145/964442.964537

H. Thimbleby, “Computer Algebra in User Interface Design Analysis”, Proceedings British Computer Society HCI Conference, A. Dearden & L. Watts (editors), vol. 2, pp. 121–124, Research Press International (2004). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, J. Gow & P. Cairns, “Misleading Behaviour in Interactive Systems”, Proceedings British Computer Society HCI Conference, A. Dearden & L. Watts (editors), vol. 2, pp. 33–36, Research Press International (2004). PDF

H. Thimbleby & J. Gow, “MAUI: An Interface Design Tool Based on Matrix Algebra”, Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV — CADUI’2004, R. J. K. Jacob, Q. Limbourg & J. Vanderdonckt (editors), pp. 81–94, Kluwer Aacedmic Publishers, Funchal, Maderia (2004). URL PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Analysis and Simulation of User Interfaces”, Human Computer Interaction 2000, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, S. McDonald, Y. Waern & G. Cockton (editors), vol. XIV, pp. 221–237, Newcastle, England (2000). PDF

H. Thimbleby, G. Marsden, P. Gillary & M. Jones, “Using Computing Science Principles in Interface Design”, Proceedings IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 1999, S. Brewster, A. Cawsey & G. Cockton (editors), vol. 2, pp. 47–48 (1999).

H. Thimbleby, “Specification-led Design”, Proceedings Living Life to the Full with Personal Technologies, no. IEE Seminar 98/268, pp. 4/1–4/9 (1998). DOI: 10.1049/ic:19980384

H. Thimbleby, Y. L. Theng, *C. Rigny & M. Jones, “Cognitive Task Graphs and Executable User Models for Better Hypertext”, Proceedings First Asia Pacific Conference on Human Computer Interaction — APCHI, L. K. Yong, L. Herman, Y. K. Leung & J. Moyes (editors), pp. 421–433, Singapore (1996). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Creating User Manuals for Use in Collaborative Design”, Proceedings ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction — CHI’96, M. Tauber (editor), pp. 279–280, Vancouver, Canada (1996). PDF

H. Thimbleby & P. B. Ladkin, “A Proper Explanation When You Need One”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference HCI’95, People and Computers, M. A. R. Kirby, A. J. Dix & J. E. Finlay (editors), vol. X, pp. 107–118, Cambridge University Press, Huddersfield (1995). PDF

H. Thimbleby & M. A. Addison, “HyperDoc: An Interactive System Development Tool”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference HCI’95, People and Computers, M. A. R. Kirby, A. J. Dix & J. E. Finlay (editors), vol. X, pp. 95–106, Cambridge University Press, Huddersfield (1995).

H. Thimbleby & M. A. Addison, “Manuals as Structured Programs”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference HCI’94, People and Computers, G. Cockton, S. W. Draper & G. R. S. Weir (editors), vol. IX, pp. 67–79, Cambridge University Press (1994). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Formal Methods without Psychology”, Proceedings Theory in Human-Computer Interaction, IEE Colloquium, no. IEE Digest 1991/192, pp. 6/1–6/6 (1991).

H. Thimbleby, “On Formal Methods in HCI”, Proceedings Workshop on Formal Methods in HCI, IEE Colloquium, vol. III, no. IEE Digest 1989/151, pp. 1/–1/ (1989).

H. Thimbleby, “Modes, WYSIWYG and The von Neumann Bottleneck”, Proceedings Workshop on Formal Methods and Human-Computer Interaction, vol. II, no. IEE Digest 1988/82 (1988).

H. Thimbleby, “Formal Methods and Human-Computer Interaction”, Proceedings Workshop on Formal Methods and Human-Computer Interaction, IEE Colloquium, no. IEE Digest No. 1987/09 (1987).

H. Thimbleby, A. J. Dix, M. D. Harrison & C. Runciman, “Interaction Models and The Principled Design of Interactive Systems”, Proceedings European Software Engineering Conference, H. Nichols & D. S. Simpson (editors), pp. 127–135, Springer Verlag (1987). DOI: 10.1007/BFb0022105

H. Thimbleby & M. D. Harrison, “Formalising Guidelines for the Design of Interactive Systems”, Proceedings British Computer Society Conference on Human Computer Interaction, HCI’85, S. Cook & P. Johnson (editors), pp. 161–171, Cambridge University Press, Norwich (1985).

H. Thimbleby, “Generative User-Engineering Principles for User Interface Design”, Proceedings First IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 1984, B. Shackel (editor), pp. 661–666, North-Holland, London (1985). PDF

H. Thimbleby, “Generative User Engineering Principles”, 9th. Cranfield Conference on Mechanised Information Transfer (1984).

H. Thimbleby, “Generative User-Engineering Principles for User Interface Design”, Proceedings First IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction — Interact 1984, B. Shackel (editor), vol. 2, pp. 102–107, London (1984). PDF

2. Formal Methods in HCI — Invited publications: not refereed

2.1. Forewords and keynotes

H. Thimbleby, “Unknown knowns — A call to fix healthcare IT where it hurts”, High Integrity Systems Symposium, Keynote, Oslo, Norway (2015).

2.2. Contributions to edited volumes

H. Thimbleby & M. D. Harrison, “The Role of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction”, Formal Methods in Human Computer Interaction, M. D. Harrison & H. Thimbleby (editors), pp. 1–8, Cambridge University Press (1990).

3. Formal Methods in HCI — Presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops

3.1. Unpublished keynotes

H. Thimbleby, “Highly Interactive Mathematical User Interfaces”, Mathematical User-Interfaces Workshop, Fifth Mathematical Knowledge Management Conference, Keynote (2006).

H. Thimbleby, “Making Formal Methods Work in HCI”, 1st International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems, Keynote, Macau (2006).

H. Thimbleby, “Symmetry and Affordance”, Xootic Symposium on Pervasive Computing, Keynote (2001).

3.2. Invited conference presentations

H. Thimbleby, “Panel”, Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers, Eindhoven (1998).

H. Thimbleby, “Formulating Usability”, Workshop on Formal Methods for the Design of Interactive Systems, York (1993).

H. Thimbleby, “Formal Methods in HCI”, IFIP Workshop (1989).

3.3. Invited lectures, webinars and seminars

H. Thimbleby, “Analytic Approaches to User Interfaces”, Southampton University (1999).

H. Thimbleby, “Formal User Interfaces”, Loughborough University (1994).

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AutostereogramsBooksCalculatorsCybersecurity & virusesDevice designEthics & cultureFavouritesFormal Methods in HCIGeneral InterestHIT: Health IT & devicesHCIHuman ErrorLawInternetPost Office Horizon scandalLiterate ProgrammingProgrammingResearch, teaching & lecturingReading & digital librariesReviewsVideosComputer virusesWorld Wide WebWriting, editing & publishingSoftware EngineeringEverything.