Finding identities for the Noki 5110

Harold Thimbleby -

This file is the background for establishing some matrix identities for the Nokia 5110 example used in the papers.

Define the Nokia 5110 FSM

First we define the Nokia using a tree, and symbolic names taken from the device itself. This tree was then carefully checked against the Nokia itself.

readable[nokia] ^= menu["standby", {menu["phone book", {"search", "service nos", "add entry", "erase", "edit", "send entry", menu["options", {"type of view", "memory status"}], "speed dials"}], menu["messages", {"inbox", "outbox", "write messages", menu["message settings", {menu["set 1", {"message centre number", "messages sent as", "message validity"}], menu["common", {"delivery reports", "reply via same centre"}]}], "info service", "voice mailbox number"}], menu["call register", {"missed calls", "received calls", "dialled numbers", "erase recent calls", menu["show call duration", {"last call duration", "all calls' duration", "received calls' duration", "dialled calls' duration", "clear timers"}], menu["show call costs", {"last call cost", "all calls' cost", "clear counters"}], menu["call costs settings", {"call costs' limit", "show costs in"}]}], menu["settings", {menu["call settings", {"automatic redial", "speed dialling", "call waiting options", "own number sending", "automatic answer"}], menu["phone settings",  {menu["language", {"Automatic", "Engish", "Deutsch", "Français", "Nederlands", "Italiano", "Dansk", "Svenska", "Norsk", "Suomi", "Español", "Português", "<Russian>", "Eesti", "Latviesu", "Lietuviu", "<Arabic>", "<Hebrew>"}], "cell info display", "welcome note", "network selection", "lights"}], menu["security settings", {"PIN code request", "fixed dialling", "closed user group", "phone security", "change access codes"}], "restore factory settings"}], menu["call divert", {"divert all calls without ringing", "divert when busy", "divert when not answered", "divert when phone off or no coverage", "cancel all diverts"}], menu["games", {"memory", "snake", "logic"}], "calculator", menu["clock", {"alarm clock", "clock settings"}], menu["tones", {"incoming call alert", "ringing tone", "ringing volume", "message alert tone", "keypad tones", "warning and game tones", "vibrating alert"}]}] ;

•Convert tree to matrix

menuname[menu[name_, _]] := name ;

menuname[name_] := name ;

ToStateNo[device_, s_List] := Map[ToStateNo[device, #] &, s]

ToStateNo[device_, tran[a_, b_, c_]] := tran[ToStateNo[device, a], b, ToStateNo[device, c]]

ToStateNo[device_, s_] := Position[vocabulary[device], s] [[ 1, 1 ]]

FromStateNo[device_, n_] := Part[vocabulary[device], n]

Normalise function inserts self-transitions as needed.

normalise[bm_] := Module[{m = bm},  (* if any row is zero, put an identity transition in it *)  Do[If[Plus @@ m[[i]] == 0, m[[i, i]] = 1], {i, Length[m]}] ;  Return[m] ]

initialise[device_, fullName_] :=  Module[{p, b, bm},  vocabulary[device] ^= Union @ Flatten[symbolicTransitions[device] /. tran[a_, _, b_] -> {a, b}] ; numericTransitions[device] ^= ToStateNo[device, symbolicTransitions[device]] ; numericGoals[device] ^= ToStateNo[device, #] & /@ symbolicGoals[device] ; numberOfStates[device] ^= Max @ Flatten[numericTransitions[device] /. tran[a_, _, b_] -> {a, b}] ;  buttons[device] ^= Union[symbolicTransitions[device] /. tran[_, but_, _] -> but] ;  startStateNo[device] ^= ToStateNo[device, startState[device]] ;  For[b = 1, b <= Length @ buttons[device], b ++,  bm = Table[0, {numberOfStates[device]}, {numberOfStates[device]}] ; Scan[(bm [[ # [[ 1 ]], # [[ 3 ]] ]] = 1) &,  Cases[numericTransitions[device], tran[_, buttons[device][[b]], _]]] ;  button[device, b] = normalise[bm] ; ] ;  name[device] ^= fullName ; ] ;

General :: spell :  Possible spelling error: new symbol name \" button \" is similar to existing symbols  {Button, buttons} .

build[nokia] :=  Module[{auxconvert, transition, p = {}, goals = {}},  transition[from_, button_, to_] := AppendTo[p, tran[menuname[from], button, menuname[to]]] ; auxconvert[menu[name_, items_]] :=  Module[{i},  transition[name, "Select", items [[ 1 ]]] ;  For[i = 1, i <= Length @ items, i ++, transition[items [[ i ]], "Down", items [[ If[i == Length @ items, 1, i + 1] ]]] ; transition[items [[ i ]], "Up", items [[ If[i == 1, Length @ items, i - 1] ]]] ; transition[items [[ i ]], "C", name] ;  If[Head @ items [[ i ]] === menu, auxconvert[items [[ i ]]], AppendTo[goals, operation @ menuname[items [[ i ]]]] ;  transition[items [[ i ]], "Doit", Last @ goals] ;  transition[Last @ goals, "Doit", items [[ i ]]] ; ] ] ] ;  auxconvert[readable[nokia]] ;  symbolicGoals[nokia] ^= goals ;  startState[nokia] ^= "standby" ;  symbolicTransitions[nokia] ^= p ;  initialise[nokia, "Nokia 5110 navigable menu"] ; ]

build[nokia] ;

Utilities for creating state vectors from state names.

vec[s_] := Table[If[i == ToStateNo[nokia, s], 1, 0], {i, numberOfStates[nokia]}]

devec[s_] := FromStateNo[nokia, Position[s, 1][[1, 1]]]

•Matrix definitions

These are the button names in the device.


{C, Doit, Down, Select, Up}

Number of states.



Define useful matrix names. The Nokia's actual Navi button is a combination of what we've called Doit and Select.

i = IdentityMatrix[numberOfStates[nokia]] ;

u = button[nokia, 5] ; c = button[nokia, 1] ; s = button[nokia, 4] ; d = button[nokia, 3] ; doit = button[nokia, 2] ; navi = Sign[doit + s] ;

•Find identities and interesting facts

Module[{i, j, k, v, name},  v = {n, c, u, d} ;  name[1] = "navi" ; name[2] = "c" ; name[3] = "up" ; name[4] = "down" ;  For[i = 1, i <= 4, i ++,  For[j = 1, j <= 4, j ++,  For[k = 1, k <= 4, k ++,  If[v[[i]] . v[[j]] == v[[k]],  Print[name[i], ".", name[j], "==", name[k]] ] ] ] ] ]

up  .  c  ==  c

down  .  c  ==  c

Module[{zz},  For[zz = 0, zz < 20, zz ++,  If[MatrixPower[c, zz] == MatrixPower[c, zz + 1], Print["c^", zz, "==c^", zz + 1] ; Break[]]] ]

c^  4  ==c^  5

MatrixPower[c, 4] == MatrixPower[c, 5]


c . c . c . c . c == c . c . c . c


r = c . c . c . c ;

r . c == r


s . s . c == s


n . d . d . d . d . d . c == n . c


r . s . s . c == r . s


r . s . c == r


r . s . s . s . c == r . s . s


rr = c . c . c ; rr . s . s . c == rr . s


r . navi . navi . c == r . navi


doit . doit == i


Inverse[doit] == doit




u . d == i


d . u == i


u . c == c


d . c == c


doit . doit == doit


devec[vec["standby"] . s . s . c]

phone book

s . u . s . c == s . u


s . u == s . u . s . c


s . c == i


c == u . c


u . d == i


d . u == i


s . s . s . s . s == s . s . s . s . s


devec[vec["standby"] . s . u]


Module[{i, sc = s . s . c},  For[i = 1, i <= numberOfStates[nokia], i ++,  theState = Table[If[j == i, 1, 0], {j, numberOfStates[nokia]}] ; If[theState . sc != theState . s, Print["s.s.c not identity from ", devec[theState]]] ] ]

s.s.c not identity from   add entry

s.s.c not identity from   alarm clock

s.s.c not identity from   all calls' cost

s.s.c not identity from   all calls' duration

s.s.c not identity from   <Arabic>

s.s.c not identity from   Automatic

s.s.c not identity from   automatic answer

s.s.c not identity from   automatic redial

s.s.c not identity from   calculator

s.s.c not identity from   call costs' limit

s.s.c not identity from   call costs settings

s.s.c not identity from   call divert

s.s.c not identity from   call register

s.s.c not identity from   call settings

s.s.c not identity from   call waiting options

s.s.c not identity from   cancel all diverts

s.s.c not identity from   cell info display

s.s.c not identity from   change access codes

s.s.c not identity from   clear counters

s.s.c not identity from   clear timers

s.s.c not identity from   clock

s.s.c not identity from   clock settings

s.s.c not identity from   closed user group

s.s.c not identity from   common

s.s.c not identity from   Dansk

s.s.c not identity from   delivery reports

s.s.c not identity from   Deutsch

s.s.c not identity from   dialled calls' duration

s.s.c not identity from   dialled numbers

s.s.c not identity from   divert all calls without ringing

s.s.c not identity from   divert when busy

s.s.c not identity from   divert when not answered

s.s.c not identity from   divert when phone off or no coverage

s.s.c not identity from   edit

s.s.c not identity from   Eesti

s.s.c not identity from   Engish

s.s.c not identity from   erase

s.s.c not identity from   erase recent calls

s.s.c not identity from   Español

s.s.c not identity from   fixed dialling

s.s.c not identity from   Français

s.s.c not identity from   games

s.s.c not identity from   <Hebrew>

s.s.c not identity from   inbox

s.s.c not identity from   incoming call alert

s.s.c not identity from   info service

s.s.c not identity from   Italiano

s.s.c not identity from   keypad tones

s.s.c not identity from   language

s.s.c not identity from   last call cost

s.s.c not identity from   last call duration

s.s.c not identity from   Latviesu

s.s.c not identity from   Lietuviu

s.s.c not identity from   lights

s.s.c not identity from   logic

s.s.c not identity from   memory

s.s.c not identity from   memory status

s.s.c not identity from   message alert tone

s.s.c not identity from   message centre number

s.s.c not identity from   messages

s.s.c not identity from   messages sent as

s.s.c not identity from   message validity

s.s.c not identity from   missed calls

s.s.c not identity from   Nederlands

s.s.c not identity from   network selection

s.s.c not identity from   Norsk

s.s.c not identity from   options

s.s.c not identity from   outbox

s.s.c not identity from   own number sending

s.s.c not identity from   phone book

s.s.c not identity from   phone security

s.s.c not identity from   PIN code request

s.s.c not identity from   Português

s.s.c not identity from   received calls

s.s.c not identity from   received calls' duration

s.s.c not identity from   reply via same centre

s.s.c not identity from   restore factory settings

s.s.c not identity from   ringing tone

s.s.c not identity from   ringing volume

s.s.c not identity from   <Russian>

s.s.c not identity from   search

s.s.c not identity from   security settings

s.s.c not identity from   send entry

s.s.c not identity from   service nos

s.s.c not identity from   set 1

s.s.c not identity from   show call costs

s.s.c not identity from   show call duration

s.s.c not identity from   show costs in

s.s.c not identity from   snake

s.s.c not identity from   speed dialling

s.s.c not identity from   speed dials

s.s.c not identity from   Suomi

s.s.c not identity from   Svenska

s.s.c not identity from   tones

s.s.c not identity from   type of view

s.s.c not identity from   vibrating alert

s.s.c not identity from   voice mailbox number

s.s.c not identity from   warning and game tones

s.s.c not identity from   welcome note

s.s.c not identity from   write messages

Converted by Mathematica  (May 2, 2003)