Doing HCI better. Working paper, with P. Cairns, 2003.
Doing computer science better.... 2003
HCI compared to medical ethics. As Healthy HCI? in ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, p8, November/December, 2002.
Debating Government Control of the Internet, Mots Pluriels et Grands Themes de Notre Temps, 18, 2001.
Cyberspace - The Way of Future Votes, Foundations, 3(2), pp18-19, 2000.
Justice and design. With P. Duquenoy, Interact'99, M. A. Sasse & C. Johnson (editors), pp281-286, 1999.
Personal boundaries/Global Stage. First Monday, 3(3), 1998.
More articles yet to be added: on viruses, bugs, user interface design, internet regulation, etc. See also the last chapter of my draft book.