Harold Thimbleby
“Videos” only

1.Videos — Invited presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops
1.1.Selected videos, and videoed lectures

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AutostereogramsBooksCalculatorsCybersecurity & virusesDevice and system designEthics & cultureFavouritesFormal Methods in HCIGeneral InterestHIT: Health IT & devicesHCIHuman ErrorLawInternetPost Office Horizon scandalLiterate ProgrammingProgrammingResearch, teaching & lecturingReading & digital librariesReviewsComputer virusesWorld Wide WebWriting, editing & publishingSoftware EngineeringKey referenceEverything

1. Videos — Invited presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops

1.1. Selected videos, and videoed lectures

H. Thimbleby, “Saving Lives by Design”, YouTube (2011). URL http://harold.thimbleby.net/saferdesign Video

H. Thimbleby, “Problems with a Syringe Pump”, YouTube (2008). Video

All subject categories

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AutostereogramsBooksCalculatorsCybersecurity & virusesDevice and system designEthics & cultureFavouritesFormal Methods in HCIGeneral InterestHIT: Health IT & devicesHCIHuman ErrorLawInternetPost Office Horizon scandalLiterate ProgrammingProgrammingResearch, teaching & lecturingReading & digital librariesReviewsVideosComputer virusesWorld Wide WebWriting, editing & publishingSoftware EngineeringKey referenceEverything.